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Reflecting on 9-11


With everything going today with all the news shows and observances, there are plenty of opinions about what 9-11 means today and memories of when it happened. It was just a little eerie to hear CNN stream its 9-11 broadcast online in real time. Looks like its still going on as I write this.

Me? I was on my way to the office at the church where I was serving in Ohio. I was getting my morning laugh on The Bob and Tom Show (I am first believer that a good laugh is the best way to start a day) when I heard the report that a plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Towers. I turned around and went home, thinking to see video of a small plane or helicopter. What I saw was the second plane hit real time. The rest of the day was spent with a TV hookup at the church, calling the local ministers group together for a special service that evening, and trying to help folks make some kind of sense of it all. There wasn’t any sense, though, and that is hard to deal with when you believe in an almighty God.

What now? For GenXers like me, this will be our defining memory, like the boomer’s assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK; like WWII for the builders/greatest generation. I’m not real sure about its impact. As a pastor, I think the church missed and largely continues to miss the boat. People flocked to churches for two weeks after 9-11 and what did they hear? Not much, apparently, because within a few months worship attendance across the country was back to “normal.” What I tended to hear as I checked around online or on TV was a crass patriotism wrapped around a cross that bordered on 13th Century Crusader fever. There was also a kind of wimpy “we need to understand” pascifism that was embarassing to my Mennonite friends, which is an historic peace church. And there were some, who convinced that “the Gospel” was what people needed to hear, preached on the scheduled lessons and more or less ignored 9-11 in their worship services. Very few seemed willing to wrestle with the existential reality of terror, disaster, and grasp that Christians had to have better answers than its a sign of the end times so get right with God so you don’t burn in hell, its God wrath for homosexuals, or a resigned “its God’s will.”

Today, I would have to say the most insightful comments I have heard today were on NPR by Frank Miller, famed comic book author. Found on series This I Believe, it is a very real reflection on patriotism in the 21st Century.

It will be interesting to see how some of us continue to wrestle with a real spiritual journey in the 21st Century, a journey that has to pass Ground Zero but must somehow find a road beyond it.

2 Responses to “Reflecting on 9-11”

  1. Rev. Dan says:

    I’m personally disgusted at all the TerrorPorn that’s been getting played and replayed and replayed. I’m currently in Asia, and I lost count of the number of times I saw the replay of the planes crashing into the towers while flipping channels.

    Ultimately, the media, the White House, the church, and a majority of us are using this event to perpetuate a culture of fear.

    What I don’t see is Christians stepping up and laying claim to what God has to say about whether or not living in fear is God’s plan:

    “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV)

    “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:15 NIV)

    “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.” (1 John 4:18 NAS)

    Isaiah 8:11-17
    Deuteronomy 1:27-35
    Lamentations 3:50-58
    About 1/2 of Psalms… etc., etc., etc.

    THIS is where I think Christians should focus their energy, instead of perpetuating the fear and terror shoved down our throats by criminal Religious Extremists five years ago. 9-11 was a crime against humanity; a crime still perpetuated throughout the world on a daily basis. Being debilitated by fear is not the solution.

    If we all are continuing to perpetuate this fear and using it as a milestone in our personal lives, who has ultimately won?

  2. Bryan Revling says:

    Thank you Rev. Dan Well put and I couldn’t agree more. TerrorPorn, truely what it is.

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