Feed on

I have received several emails from listeners who don’t have Ipods but use different mp3 players about Podcast #41, namely, they can’t listen to it. Garageband only generates ACC files, apparently and Audacity won’t import them.

I’ll try and get a straight mp3 version up later today.

Let me know if you prefer just a straight mp3. If enough of you want that, I’ll drop the enhanced podcast experiment.

3 Responses to “Garage Band and Podcast #41”

  1. Susan says:

    I prefer the straight mp3. I somethimes listen from my desktop, but often load on my cell phone or Nokia 770 (Interbet Tablet) for on the go listening.

  2. David Fredin says:


    I use Garageband for my podcast and there is no problem exporting to mp3 directly. The trick is to remove the “podcast track” and then have some fun in the “Share to iTunes” dialogue.

  3. Tom Lyberg says:

    Ah,they didn’t mention that at the apple store. I’ll play with it today for the next podcast.

    By the way, love your web site and the post on the “pissing pastor”.

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