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May and June have been absolutely nuts but the good news is that our transition continues. We have moved in our apartment and closed on our house despite my wife nearly breaking her ankle and ending up on crutches (not to get out of helping with the move 🙂 ). So once we get things unpacked into the apartment, we wait to see what the Spirit has in mind for our next move where I can get back into the pastor groove and we can settle down as a family. Right now I feel a transition coming from feeling like Job into a life more like Abraham – on the journey to a promised land that I don’t know, can’t see, and God won’t say until we get there.

wandering lost
I have a couple of preaching gigs here in the Chicago area this summer filling in for pastors on vacation and a new worship project for our tribal publishing house – Augsburg Fortress. So a podcast may happen here before June is out – I have the outlines – but first I have to get the apartment in order and get my oldest son off to college orientation.

Hang in there, I know we are, and I’ll keep you up to date.

However, I did have time to finally do some updating last night to my Facebook page, so feel free to drop by there for more info.

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