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If San Diego County is trying to generate some extra income to balance their deficit, taxing home bible studies is a poor choice. First, most American Christians don’ go to bible studies, so you are dealing with a small group to tax. Second, there is that whole First Amendment thing about the free exercise of religion. But we are talking about government officials, not people with any inkling of real life.

Seriously, this is a real story.

Couple Ordered to Stop Home Bible Study in San Diego

One Response to “Bible Study Is A Taxable Enterprise?”

  1. Frank says:

    The state of California needs all the income it can swindle. I don’t know if you’re up to speed on any issues that supersede faith but, California’s main cash crop is Marijuana. Seriously, this is a real story. Taxation is the motive for foundation of this meager country. While religion is stenciled as “free” in the Constitution of the United States, bear in mind that “freedom” was the “ultimate stencil” of the most intrinsic of an “American’s” rights. I won’t go into how we stole our America from Natives. I won’t as much as brush the ideal of “freedom” no longer being more than the dream of a ghost. What I will mention, though, is taxation. An antithesis to a certain segment of a document of ideology, suddenly rearing it’s ugly head in your neck of the woods? This is “real life.” Welcome to America, Sir. Don’t forget to pay your taxes.

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