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As I sit listening to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly discuss and vote on issues of homosexuality, I also received a facebook note about the tornado that the the assembly hall earlier in the week now being proclaimed as the wrath of God by local megachurch pastor John Piper. Author Rachel Held Evans has a marvelous response, not in defense of any “gay agenda” but on the deadly hypocrisy in the organized church across the spectrum of sides. We point to the “other” as the greater sinner and ignore our own sins using a mask of purity and faithfulness.


Check out Rachel’s blog Evolving in Monkeytown.

3 Responses to “ELCA Tornado Judgment?”

  1. Tom Lyberg says:

    Of course a Lutheran would have to get in on the wrath of God connection.

    Check this out. http://wordalone.org/nr/God-will-not-be-mocked.shtml

  2. Sean says:

    It should be noted that this fire tornado was photographed in Brazil in August 2010, a whole year after the tornado in Minneapolis came near the ELCA convention. This blog contains misleading information.

  3. Sean says:

    Reading the other posts on this blog it doesn’t seem to be as hate filled as some of the people using this particular post as evidence of God’s wrath, but I stand by my claim that this post contains some misleading information, because people are definitely interpreting it to mean something that most certainly did not happen. Perhaps a disclaimer is necessary for those with poor research skills?

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