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Some are finding this shocking, anyone familiar with Church History is not surprised. Leadership and faith do not necessarily go hand and hand. In fact, most pastors, because of their education and experience are at a vastly different place when it comes to faith, the Bible, and God than most people in the pews, who typically don’t venture past middle school levels concepts. But that time comes when middle school answers don’t cut it with adult questions in the real world and that collision will either be devastating or renewing. Either way, be it pastor or lay person, you will never be the same afterward.

That’s why I like this new song that my oldest son turned me on to – Jesus Christ by Brand New. The lyrics speak to this. Welcome to the 21st Century where pastors live in the same world as everyone else… scary, but a good thing.

Yes, in case you are wondering, this will turn into a podcast this weekend.

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