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wired dark side

Thanks to Bob Cannon for letting me know about the sound problem. I borrowed my oldest son’s gaming headset since my headset mike is busted and the sound was very different than what I usually set up for. So I didn’t check closely enough on the sound levels and the background music became too loud at spots. Here’s a second try that is clearer, so enjoy.

Download the podcast here.

And for those wondering about the clip from “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”, here is the whole scene. In this you get the hopeful part about how, despite their differences, he still loves his dad.

A moment of personal privilege – as a movie buff, “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” has, IMHO, one of the greatest moments in film history – Spencer Tracy’s closing speech. At the height of the Civil Rights movement, it was radical. Today, its still speaks powerfully about love, prejudice, and oppression by culture.

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