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Pat ramblingA few of you emailed me about my comments about the ELCA’s debate over same sex blessings and ordaining pastors in same sex relationships (they said no to both) regarding my take that the two poles seemed more like politicians than spiritually driven. Now Pat Robertson makes my point again – assassination in the name of God and country. Goes back to something I heard was thrown around in the 50s – kill a commie for Christ. Did anyone hear if he was offering 50 virgins in heaven for the prayer warrior that pulls it off?

Sarcastic and cranky today? Yes, I am. I know the reality of things is that wacked fringes of the religious world capture the headlines and the rest of us who want to walk with Jesus rather than jihad (and I use that term across religious and political lines) against our neighbor get left in the shadows. It would be a good time for everyone to learn from the original Islamic use of jihad, the spiritual struggle within yourself and apply that rather than using it as an excuse to lay some serious smack down on those you disagree with.

Sadly, we still live in a world where people still think hierarchy changes hearts and society so if you make a social statement, issue a press release, or pass a law, people will change. My experience is that all of life is a bottom up experience – start with yourself and that is what can change the world. The Civil Rights movement did not begin with legislation, it began with Rosa Parks on a bus, people sitting segregated lunch counters, and people stand a spiritual stand in the real world that changed it. I don’t recall reading anything about shooting all the bus drivers.

My point with the ELCA is we need to focus locally on becoming welcoming communities to gay and lesbian Christians – just people on the same spiritual journey – and get that right first as followers of Jesus. Keeping sinners out to appear righteous or creating a token system to look inclusive misses the point that we are called to love all people unconditionally, including those we would name as our enemies.

WWJD, Pat? I’d like to say he’d stuff a bunch of wristbands into your mouth. Might fill up that space between your ears.

Really, though. Jesus would love you just like Hugo Chavez and invite you both to have dinner with Him. Might end up changing the world.

Here’s to a better day for us all.

end of rant

2 Responses to “A Fine Example of Christlike Love”

  1. matt says:

    It makes me sad to realize that the only Christ some people actually see is the one that Pat Robertson represents.

    Thankfully, the one Pat represents isn’t the real Christ. Like yourself, I tend to believe that Christ wouldn’t want us going around assassinating people (or suggesting the same) just to save our country a few bucks.

  2. Patrick says:

    “WWJD, Pat? I’d like to say he’d stuff a bunch of wristbands into your mouth. Might fill up that space between your ears.”

    REALLY?! Do you really think he would do that? Such the comments…. you need help….maybe some good Christian counceling…

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