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Millennials Leave Their Churches Over Science, Lesbian & Gay Issues : Public Religion Research Institute.

No real surprise here.

“The study managed to isolate six main reasons why Millennials (age 18-29) tend to leave Christian churches as they grow up: a sense that young adults were receiving an unsatisfying or “shallow” version of Christianity, feelings that the church was overprotective, the perception of judgmental attitudes around sex and sexuality, churches’ unfriendliness to members grappling with doubt, the sense that Christianity was too exclusive, and finally, the tense relationship between Christianity and science… Perhaps most important, Millennials felt that churches should “focus their engagement on actions that serve the common good or speak up for the oppressed rather than opposing a controversial issue because of theological objections.”

So Millenials are more interested in relationship than doctrine, forgiveness than judgmentalism, creativity than traditions now stagnant, and a faith connected to real life? And too many Christian leaders today say those Millenial values and critiques have nothing to do with Jesus, who, according to them was all about avoiding damnation by a loving God.

Really? So all those healings of the sick, confronting hypocritical religious leaders, love your neighbor, and forgive your enemies stuff wasn’t the main point.

No wonder they are leaving.

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