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John H Armstrong : Is It Necessary to Be Sexually Active to Order to Be a Healthy, Flourishing Person?.

I saw this segment entirely by accident earlier this week as my gracious host was searching for what is to be a new favorite series, Sherlock, by the BBC. But his was playing in the background and at first I thought Tim was talking about beating cancer or something. When we did a rewind on the DVR, he was talking about his own sex life, or lack thereof. But despite the shocked faces of the other hosts, he didn’t see it or was willing to accept this as a “lack” or “problem” on his part.

My friend and mentor, John Armstrong did a blog on this and posted the video and John is spot on in his blog reflections. Tim Gunn is one of the best teacher/coaches I have seen on TV and I was amazed by his honesty. As John says, Tim doesn’t address morality but speaks instead to our humanity and what should ultimately define it. Everyone should take the time to watch the video and read John’s post.

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