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Have you ever wanted to the chance to just talk with Tom directly or have your pastor listen to Wired Jesus? Pastors, have you been looking for someone on the onside to come into your congregation to introduce your leadership to the emerging culture that is all around them? Have you wanted to explore the world of experiential worship but believe you need a guide to get you started or take you to the next level?

Now you have the chance with Wired Jesus On the Road. I’m available to preach, teach, and coach leaders and congregations personally and on site. For an agreed honorarium and travel costs, I can bring what you love best about
Wired Jesus live to you and your congregation. Here are just some of the possibilities:

Supply Preaching:

I’m available to come and preach in your congregation on a limited basis to preach on emerging culture in support of the vision of your leadership. If you are in a denomination in full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (PCUSA, RCA, UCC, ECUSA, ECLIC to use the tribal codes), I can also preside at Communion.

Leadership Consultation

Would you like an opportunity for your congregational leadership to better understand the mission field of the 21st Century and their opportunities to engage it? Are there challenges involving a community transition, such as a rural congregation now experiencing suburban sprawl and a new culture on their doorstep? Is your leadership looking to transition from a committee-based form of governance to a team-based model? All these are areas of expertise that have been shared in personal consultations with other congregations and are now available to you through Wired Jesus On the Road.

Worship Consultation
Congregation worship stands at the core of any Christian community and therefore is often a difficult area to introduce change. Often, having someone from the outside coach a worship team or even come in to share a new style of worship for a single Sunday as “an experiment” can open the door for change. Wired Jesus On the Road can make that possible, from meetings with worship teams to cover the basics of experiential worship to helping you host your own U2 Eucharist.

Pastoral Coaching

Often times, being a parish pastor can be a very lonely place, particularly if you have a connection to the emerging generations who are increasingly missing from Christian congregations. Even other pastors may not understand where you are coming from and question your beliefs. That is where having the accountability of a personal pastoral coach can make a tremendous difference. While Wired Jesus is always there for conversation, an intentional coaching relationship is one step beyond. Via email, Skype, or even face to face, Wired Jesus On the Road can offer the opportunity for a contracted coaching relationship for helping pastors understand their leadership choices and navigate change management, personal spirituality, and pastoral growth.

A Flexible Alternative

Wired Jesus has been about exploring the edges and wandering where the Spirit leads. Wired Jesus On the Road is aimed at being a flexible alternative for pastors for continuing education and an affordable resource for congregations for learning and leadership. If you would like to discuss working with Wired Jesus On the Road, just email Tom Lyberg at tom@wiredjesus.com or call at 567.208.6342. You can always learn more at the Wired Jesus Podcast website at www.wiredjesus.com.

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