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The Shack

the shack

I recently finished The Shack by William Young. A viral best seller, I would describe it as the heart of Mitch Albon (Five People You Will Meet in Heaven) and the offbeat, relational faith of Don Miller (Blue Like Jazz) with a Christian core that would make sense to an Greek Orthodox Christian. Weird, I know. At the heart of the story is one of the best portrayals of the doctrine of the Trinity that I have ever come across. Frankly, it makes the ancient creed make sense in that the Triune God is not a matter of semantics but a finite attempt to convey the relational nature of the infinite God.

I’m working on a podcast on it right now as we get ready conclude an interview process for a new call to a church, move my oldest son to college, and then look toward moving ourselves. More on that once everything is finalized but hope to have the podcast by Friday.

In the meantime, check out the book. The Shack is an easy, engrossing read that may offend strict literalists but open the door to those searching for a real, living God.

One Response to “The Shack”

  1. Dcn Ray and Laura says:

    Thanks for the book recommendation. We will be praying about your call and move and anxious to hear how it all comes together for you. We wish you the best.

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