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Robert H. Schuller, wife resign from Crystal Cathedral board | schuller, board, ministry – News – The Orange County Register.

Thanks to Maury for keeping me up to date since he lives near the Crystal Cathedral. I guess the end is near and its just vultures picking over the bones. Just goes to show nothing is forever. One church consultant, I think it was Tom Bandy, said today no congregation is more than a generation from being dead and gone.

I think this points to what I would say is the likelihood that Boomers (as a generation) will not only cause the next two generations to have a lower standard of living than they enjoyed. They will also be at the root for the largest closure of Christian congregations this country has ever seen for reasons seen here – generational myopia and selfishness; using money as a proxy for service; numbers and appearance over discipleship. Schuller understood it at first but by the 1990s, the vision was lost and it became servicing a gray boomer demographic. Pretty much like I said in WJP 61.

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