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It was back in the mid-1970s and I was in a middle school gifted and talented class. Our teacher had brought an album for us to listen to called Waiting For the Electrician Or Someone Like Him. Our school’s guidance counselor, who looked like Jesus in blue jeans had also dropped by to listen. Now we didn’t get the drug humor but a lot of the historical and social references connected as well as just the silly bits (You will now learn three new words in Turkish – towel, delight, border – May I see your passport please?)

Years later I came to enjoy not only the albums but copies of their radio program floating around on the early internet. Their concept of radio, humor, and satire were also part of the seeds that influenced by exploration of podcasting as well as firing my own warped sense of humor. Peter Bergman died this month and its a loss of an era when comedians like them, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, and others could be funny, bold, and not have to sacrifice art or intellect to political correctness and sensitivities that stifle creativity today. Here’s an obit done by NPR.

And this is a great little video tribute.

And a classic sketch. Enjoy.

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