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Letter to a 12-Year-Old Girl About the Eternal Destiny of Those Who Have Not Heard the Gospel – Desiring God.

Letter From John Piper to a 12-Year-Old Girl About the Eternal Destiny of Those Who Have Not Heard the Gospel Sorry, kid, they’re gonna burn.

Nothing like kindly, TV evangelist, John Piper, telling a 12 year old that everyone who has never heard of Jesus and made a decision of faith for Jesus is going to burn in hell. Everyone before, everyone now, everyone to come, because God always punishes people who deserve it. I guess only Moses and Elijah get saved out of the Old Testament. Sucks to be everyone else. Poor Adam and Eve.

BTW, I hope you are a good little girl and love Jesus. Keep praying, and reading your Bible. I hope its enough to keep you out of hell. Yep, that’s pastoral care for kids.

Which reminds me, John Piper never uses the word “love” once in this entire letter. God punishes, condemns, and occasionally saves if someone sends a missionary to tell the people God has left hanging. Nor does he mention the cross. I guess love and the cross aren’t the most important parts of the Gospel(s) after all.

And people got angry at Rob Bell over Love Wins.


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