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The Church’s Frightful Kodak Moment | Holy Soup.

Today Sunday worship was cancelled because of a snow storm and my wife got the idea that some house cleaning would be in order. In cleaning out a drawer, I found this – a roll of Kodak film. I don’t own a film camera anymore, haven’t for years. But when this popped up on my facebook feed, it seemed appropriate to share and reflect.

Kodak invented the photo industry and the digital camera, and has been destroyed by its inability to adapt to their own innovations or fulfill their true purpose. As the article states, Kodak’s leaders thought they were in the film business–instead of the imaging business. Their clutching of the traditional methodology clouded their ability to think about the real objective and outcome of their work.

The parallels with the North American Church are striking – we too are in decline and too many congregations and denominations are taking the Kodak approach. I’ll be sharing this with my vision team and congregational leaders as we look to a new year. I recommend it to other church leaders as well.

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