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I have to admit, I was worried about the close proximity of the deaths of Terri Schiavo and the Pope would really become a clouded mess. Instead, I think the Pope’s death transformed the whole sitution from a legal battle to a spiritual discussion of meaning in the face of suffering and death. Whether you agreed with the Pope’s positions on faith and life, he always seemed clear and compassionate at the same time. Further, is example in suffering seems to have had a profound impact on people who had to deal with the trivializing of Terri Schiavo’s last days from both political fringes. A raging argument about rights and law turned into reflection on how is life well lived. A telling compliment that I saw on TV was an Italian atheist who was being intervied who said, in essence, “I don’t believe in God but if there is a God, I hope he sends another Pope like that man.”

‘nuf said.

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