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Rob Bell and C.S. Lewis (by Jeff Cook) | Jesus Creed.

One of the best reflections on this matter by an evangelical and I believe he is spot on when he concludes with this:

The debate over Love Wins is not actually a fight only about doctrine. It is about angst caused by different cultures and philosophical precommitments. It’s about language and how we articulate what is real. It’s about the acceptance or rejection of postmodern ways of expressing what is most vital to us. It is about two cultures crashing together like a cold and warm front and causing a storm. Sure Rob is throwing theological hand grenades in that trailer and on the back cover, but as he rightly says in the intro to Love Wins, he’s not claiming anything new. We would be wise to pursue the real dialogue—the more important dialogue—at hand in American Christianity. We need to openly converse about postmodernity and modernity, their effect on doctrine, and especially how Christians who assume very different epistemologies can actually champion each other instead of drawing pistols every time they disagree in this new century.

Its a cultural/generational/communication clash more than over doctrine. Unlike the fictional Left Behind, the real left behind will be the relevance of the Christian Church if it remains bound in 19th and 20th Century American Protestant constructs. I just wish I could find a direct link to Jeff’s blog.

One Response to “Rob Bell and C.S. Lewis (by Jeff Cook) | Jesus Creed”

  1. Jeff Cook says:

    Hey man,

    Thanks for the love.

    No blog, but a Website: everythingnew.org

    I post stuff on Scot McKnight’s blog.


    (Look for a book coming out in May 2012)

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